talon57 at talon57 at
Thu Aug 8 23:08:41 PDT 1996

Jonathon <grafolog at> wrote: 

>Said ordinance being passed, as a protest against Elk Grove, IL
>passing an orinance, banning handguns.  Anybody know when Elk
>Grove revoked their ordinance?  Crime went down for six months
>there [ Elk Grove ] after the ban was passed, then it went up
>far surpassing previous crime levels, for all types of crime. 

Pardon me Jonathon, but I believe you are confusing Morton Grove
with Elk Grove. I do not have the statistics for the crime rates
there, but several friends who have moved from there insist the
crime rate has continued upwards as you mentioned. Also there are
a couple of other interesting facts.

1) The city council exempted themselves from the handgun ban.

2) The wife of the Mayor reportedly purchased a handgun the day   
after the law was enacted.


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