Stop the presses -- Anti-terrorism bill not that bad

hallam at hallam at
Tue Aug 6 00:51:45 PDT 1996

Contrary to reports of some sort of inversion it is not the case that
shell cases need to be found at the scene of a crime to cause an
arrest and conviction. There are many people who are serving time
after having left their fingerprints on shell cases found in a gun
recovered after a crime. If the gun can be linked to a crime scene
via balistics reports and the shells in the gun to an individual via
fingerprints that is circumstansial evidence.

Of course nobody gets sent to jail on a single piece of questionable
evidence (at least if they have a decent lawyer). But a weak piece
of evidence is sufficient to lead to a conviction if it is a lead.
Anything that reduces the search space for an investigating team
is an advantage for the police.


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