OS/2 encryption

Lucky Green shamrock at netcom.com
Sun Apr 21 18:50:51 PDT 1996

At 6:53 4/21/96, mirele at xmission.com wrote:

>And then the humourless gits of the Church <spit> went to the trouble to
>get an attorney in New York City to threaten me.  I'm taking the threat
>very seriously.  This (looking for more secure ways to keep my computer
>from being trashed) is part of it.

Back up the HD to tape (encrypt the data on the tape). Move the tape out of
reach. And don't tell anyone, especially not this list, that you did that.

Disclaimer: My opinions are my own, not those of my employer.

-- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock at netcom.com>
   PGP encrypted mail preferred.

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