unsubscrive * Peter.Posch at koeln.netsurf.de

Mark Aldrich maldrich at grctechs.va.grci.com
Thu Apr 4 20:26:28 PST 1996

On Thu, 4 Apr 1996, Peter N. Posch wrote:

> unsubscrive * Peter.Posch at koeln.netsurf.de

Why don't we just patch Majordomo to recognize "unsubscrive", 
"unsuscribe", "unscribe," and "take me off this fucking list" as all being 
equal to "unsubscribe"?

|      Liberty is truly dead              |Mark Aldrich                 | 
|    when the slaves are willing          |GRCI INFOSEC Engineering     | 
|     to forge their own chains.          |maldrich at grci.com            | 
|        STOP THE CDA NOW!                |MAldrich at dockmaster.ncsc.mil | 
|The author is PGP Empowered.  Public key at:  finger maldrich at grci.com |
|    The opinions expressed herein are strictly those of the author     | 
|         and my employer gets no credit for them whatsoever.           | 

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