Lynx (or approx for Windows)?

James Caldwell jcaldwel at
Sun Sep 24 15:45:41 PDT 1995

On 24 Sep 95 at 18:10, SysAdmin wrote:

> Screw 'em. If they want to be the defacto standard for *some* OS's
> but not all, someone else will come along and fill in the gap.
> Besides, they already made the point that they don't want to make
> money so why change the status quo. All the more reason to show the
> weaknesses of the product before others get sucked in. I'll stick to
> TkWWW and Lynx thank you.

Sounds odd, but would there be something like Lynx available for
Windows, preferably with forms features fixed. I don't browse for
the pretty pictures and turning the graphics off in Nutscrape doesn't
speed it up much. 

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