GAK/weak crypto rationale?

John Young jya at
Wed Sep 13 05:44:35 PDT 1995

Responding to msg by futplex at (Futplex) on Wed, 13 
Sep  2:11 AM

>Your paraphrase of Nelson's statement strikes me as 
>remarkable. Doesn't "we  are not concerned with bad 
>people using crypto among themselves" run  completely 
>counter to all the hyperbole about terrorists planning 
>OKC II  with PGP ?  Does anyone have an exact quotation 
>?  At any rate, sign me up as  a "bad person"....

   "Bad people" is my euphemism for Mr. Nelson's "terrorist" 
   -- which brought snorts from the audience.

   Yes, his statement about not being concerned with crypto
   use among terrorists was surprising.

   On a verbatim transcript: Mr. Ed Roback of NIST, the KE
   meet director, said that a complete transcript of the
   proceedings will not be published, only a summary report at
   some point, and then, after the September 15 session,
   some version will appear in the Federal Register for public

   The summary report should appear eventually at the NIST web
   site -- the CSSPAB site has reports for prior KE sessions
   in the annual reports.

   See <> for 1994,
   and similar for earlier years, on key escrow documents.

   To amplify what Tim said, the CSSPAB site has very
   interesting docs.

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