NIST Escrow Papers - Now Web Available

Joel McNamara joelm at
Thu Sep 7 21:29:12 PDT 1995

Several of the scanned hand-outs (courtesy of John Young) for the NIST September 5 workshop on key escrow are now available on my Web page:

Papers include: 

The outlines of meeting topics of Raymond Kammer of NIST and Michael Nelson of the White House. (KAMMER.TXT - 7kb)

Discussion Paper No. 4, "Example Potential Solutions for the Draft Export Criteria for Software Key Escrow Encryption," which offers example solutions for each of the ten criteria. (CRITERIA.TXT - 7kb)

The Business Software Alliance's dissenting blast at the government's key escrow proposal and export limit. This paper was loudly applauded. (BSA.TXT - 19kb)

Trusted Informations Systems's "Thoughts on the NIST Escrow Issues Meeting Discussion Papers." (TIS.TXT - 27kb)

TECSEC Incorporated's "Private Escrow Key Management: A Method and its Issues." (TECSEC.TXT - 13kb)

Dorothy Denning's "Comments on Draft Criteria for Software Key Escrow Exportability" and "Comments on Issues for Key Escrow Agents." (DENNING.TXT - 8kb)

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