Netscape 2.0b1J still core dumps on Java

Rick Busdiecker rfb at
Sat Oct 14 10:10:52 PDT 1995

    Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 18:54:58 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Thomas Grant Edwards <tedwards at>

    But looking at the ftp sites, I do see the 20b1J for SunOs4.1.3.

Actually it says 4.1.3_U1.  Does anyone know (a) what's the U1 mean
and (b) if, as I assume, it is an upgrade which the local powers that
be have decided against adopting, should I have any expectation of
this binary working under an older, non-upgraded, 4.1.3?

Rick Busdiecker                        Please do not send electronic junk mail!
 net: rfb at or rfb at    PGP Public Key: 0xDBD9994D
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