Who has the right to read your e-mail? Old hash, but I need to ask.

John A. Limpert johnl at radix.net
Wed Nov 29 10:15:27 PST 1995

At 06:58 AM 11/28/95 -0600, (Bill) wrote:
>Who has the right to read your personal e-mail.
>E-mail created at work?
>E-mail downdloaded at work?
>E-mail stored on a PC at work? 

The December 1995 issue of Communications of the ACM (CACM) has several
articles on e-mail privacy.

Managing User Perceptions of Email Privacy
Suzanne P. Weisband and Bruce A. Reinig

The Ethical and Legal Quandary of Email Privacy
Janice C. Sipior and Burke T. Ward

John A. Limpert
johnl at Radix.Net

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