[NOISE] Chi Sun Times SS# Sweepstakes

Robert A. Rosenberg hal9001 at panix.com
Tue Nov 28 04:26:03 PST 1995

At 11:12 11/27/95, Dan Harmon wrote:

>One reason for the ssn's is that it maybe a LEA sponsered promo. If you a
>dumb enough to have a warrent or other some judgement against you and you
>give your ssn and address to a person or enity that you don't know then
>shame on you.

This reminds me of an incident that occurred in California last year. A
number of people received a notice that they had just won an
all-expenses-paid trip. Most of them turned up to get their gift only to
then discover that it was a Government Sting Operation and that the trip
was to Jail (they were all wanted on outstanding warrants which were
waiting for them when they arrived at the meeting site).

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