using PGP only for digital signatures

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Sat Nov 4 14:10:51 PST 1995

Well, MIT does make PGP available to any and all students and staff!
The opinion I've heard is that if the US gov't doesn't want an
international student at MIT to use the code, they should keep that
student from coming to the US.  By allowing the student into the US,
the gov't is implicitly giving them the right to use PGP within the

It is still illegal for them to export it, however any foreign
national can walk up to any computer store and by anything they wish,
and take it on the plane with them.  Therefore, in an institution of
higher learning, the same standards should be allowed.  If the
government does not want your student to have access to possibly
"dangerous" information, then they should not be allowed into the
country at all.

Therefore, I say just make PGP available to your students.


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