Anti-Electronic Racketeering Act of 1995 (fwd)

Andrew Spring Andrew.Spring at
Fri Jul 14 11:05:38 PDT 1995

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 15:28:25 -0400
>Subject: Anti-Electronic Racketeering Act of 1995

>      "(2) to distribute computer software that encodes or encrypts
>    electronic or digital communications to computer networks that the
>    person distributing knows, or reasonably should know, is accessible to
>    foreign nationals and foreign governments, regardless of whether such
>    software has been designated nonexportable."

Christ, these guys are so predictable.  What do want to bet that the last
clause of that paragraph was put in, just so it could be taken out?

Netscape, Apple, Novell et al testify before Congress; complain that their
crippled crypto has already been approved for export; they'll lose so much
money in sales, blah blah blah.  Grassley smiles for the camera, says "I'm
a reasonable man", strikes out the last clause.

Isn't democracy wonderful?

Thank you VERY much!  You'll be getting a Handsome Simulfax Copy of your
OWN words in the mail soon (and My Reply).
<Andrew.Spring at> PGP Print: 0529 C9AF 613E 9E49  378E 54CD E232 DF96
   Thank you for question, exit left to Funway.

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