time stamping service (again)

Adam Shostack adam at bwh.harvard.edu
Thu Jan 12 07:25:33 PST 1995

| Anyway, it is now running as the following procmail recipe:
| :0 w
| * ^Subject: Time Stamp This Mail
| {
| PGPPASS=whateveryourpassphraseis
| :0 c w
| | (lockfile timestamp.lock ; pgp -fast +batchmode +force +verbose=0 \
| +clearsig=off) > timestamp.out
| :0 a h
| | (formail -r -i 'Subject: Time Stamp Output';cat timestamp.out) | \
| ($SENDMAIL -t ;rm -f timestamp.lock)
| }
| To use it, just send whatever you need time stamped to me with 
| the subject "time stamp this mail".
| BTW, can a procmail expert explain to me why the locallockfile 
| mechanism doesn't work with this recipe?  If I use :0 w : as 
| the first line, procmail will happily ignore the locallockfile 
| flag and proceed to munge up timestamp.out, so I have to do 
| the filelocking manually.

	You need a lockfile on the :0 cw line, not on the :0 w .

:0 cw:
| pgp -fast +batchmode +force +verbose=0 +clearsig=off > timestamp.out

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