HACK - EFH Presents Free PGP Encryption Workshop (fwd)

Mark Rogaski rogaski at phobos.lib.iup.edu
Tue Jan 3 00:19:29 PST 1995


Just thought you may be interested in this. 
Anybody ever hear of this EFH group?  It's nice to see somebody making
PGP a little easier for the average jane/joe end-user-type to use.
- From the node of FringeWare Daily:
: Sent from: Jon Lebkowsky <jonl>@io.com
: >From: robbiew at inviso.com
: >Summary: January 14, 3:00 PM, SCCSI offices in Houston
: >Keywords: Houston EFH PGP Workshop
: 		     Electronic Frontiers Houston
: 			      presents a
: 		     Free Cryptography Workshop:
: 		    How to use Pretty Good Privacy
: 				(PGP)
: 		      presented by Paul Elliott
: 			 14 January 1995 3PM
: It has become apparent that the data super highway is not safe. Messages
: traveling the data highway can be hijacked by sinister data interlopers.
: After six months of unpaid labor, in June, 1991 Philip Zimmermann
: released his controversial freeware program Pretty Good Privacy (PGP).
: Just as Prometheus' liver was eternally chewed by eagles for the crime
: of bringing fire to mankind, Philip Zimmermann's liver is now being
: chewed by the Federal Eagle (The U.S. Custom Service) for the alleged
: crime of releasing strong cryptography to the world.
: As a result of Philip Zimmermann's contribution, you can use the widely
: available freeware program PGP to send electronic-mail messages to
: anyone in the world, in complete privacy! In addition you can send
: authentication with your messages so that the recipient can verify that
: the message really came from you. You can encrypt sensitive files on
: your computer so that the files remain private even if your computer and
: disks are stolen.
: In this free workshop, our presenter Paul Elliott will show you how you
: can use PGP effectively, easily, and intelligently. PGP is available for
: most popular computers and Operating Systems, including MSDOS, UNIX, MAC
: and OS/2 among many others.
: The Workshop will take place at on January 14, at 3:00 PM at the
: offices of South Coast Computing located at 1811 Bering, Suite 100. Park
: in the garage, and ignore the "contract only" sign.  Enter through the
: back door (adjacent to the garage) and use the house phone (dial 100) if
: the door is locked.
:       | Augusta   | Bering    | Chimney Rock   | 610 Loop West       ^
:       |           |           |                |                     |
:       |           |           |                |                     N
:   ----+-----------+-----------+----------------+---- San Felipe
:       |           |* SCCSI    |                |
:       |           |           |                |
:   ----+-----------+-----------+----------------+---- Westheimer
:       |           |           |                |
:       |           |           |                |
:   ----+-----------+-----------+----------------+---- 59 South (SW Fwy)
:       |           |           |                |
:       |           |           |                |
: For more information call (713)799-1044 or
: email efh at blkbox.com
: --
: Robbie Westmoreland			robbiew at inviso.com
: Electronic Frontiers Houston  announcement
: -- 
: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
: Jon Lebkowsky             FringeWare<tm>, Inc.            jonl at fringeware.com
: URL http://fringeware.com/staff/jonl/jonl.html           voxmail 512-444-2693
: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

- -----
Mark Rogaski a.k.a. Doc                 "I used to think that my brain was the
rogaski at phobos.lib.iup.edu               best part of my body ... but then I
http://www.lib.iup.edu/~rogaski/         remembered who was telling me this."
100,000 lemmings can't be wrong!                         - Emo Phillips

>>>>>finger fllevta at oak.grove.iup.edu for PGP Public Key and Geek Code v2.1<<<<<

Disclaimer:  You would probably be hard-pressed to find ANYONE who agrees
             with me, much less my university or employer...

Version: 2.6.2


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