PSI Gulps Pipeline

John Young jya at
Fri Feb 10 09:43:36 PST 1995

Forwarding mail by: gleick at (James Gleick) on Fri, 
10 Feb  0:12 AM

Dear Pipeliners,

I'm pleased to be able to tell you that the Pipeline has become 
part of  a larger enterprise: Performance Systems International 
(PSINet), the  nation's leading Internet access provider.

That means two things immediately. 

First, PSINet has a state-of-the-art dialup network in many 
cities  across the nation, and these will shortly be available 
to our users at  a cost much less than our current out-of-town 
SprintNet surcharges.

Second, PSINet plans to use our Internaut software as the basis 
for a  national service--not to replace the New York-based 
Pipeline but to  provide an alternative for out-of-towners who 
don't especially care  about New York information and services.

PSINet is a company a lot like ours--small (though not so small 
 anymore), enthusiastic, fast-moving, and steeped in Internet 
history.  The people there care about the Internet as an 
environment worth  preserving even as it grows so explosively.  
And they admire what we've  accomplished here at the Pipeline 
in forming a model online service.

That's enough for now--there will be more information following 
along  behind, but I wanted you to hear it here first.  As for 
me--this isn't  goodbye, exactly, but I have gotten a little 
behind on a book I was  supposed to be writing . . .

I am deeply grateful to all of you--staff and customers--for 
making  the Pipeline what it is and for letting me get to know 
you a little bit.


James Gleick
The Pipeline

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