Remailing in safe-tcl

Nathaniel Borenstein nsb at
Fri Feb 3 07:26:27 PST 1995

Excerpts from mail: 2-Feb-95 Remailing in safe-tcl Hal at (2397)

> I don't see any straightforward way for a script to suspend itself and
> re-activate on some future event (such as the arrival of another
> message).  Maybe it could put its whole self into the config database as
> a {key, value} pair and rely on future messages to pull it out and
> execute it.  But that doesn't seem too great.

The problem is that this is a very hard -- perhaps impossible -- thing
to build in at the level of a safe-tcl interpreter, because the safe-tcl
interpreter is supposed to be a relatively stand-alone thing.  To
activate something based on a future event requires some hooks into
external event management -- e.g. a cron job, or the message receipt
facilities of a specific mail tool, etc.   The challenge, I think, is to
figure out how to make sure safe-tcl has the right hooks for such an
external environment without REQUIRING one particular such environment
in order to run safe-tcl.

In other words, I think the best to be hoped for is for safe-tcl to have
the facilities that are needed by such an environment.  I'm not entirely
sure what those facilities are, but I'm optimistic that this could be
layered on using the "declareharmless" mechanism of safe-tcl.  Thus, you
could write (in full tcl) a procedure that essentially queues an event
for future processing, and make that procedure available to the safe-tcl
environment.  Is this plausible in your application context?

> There is a lot of interest in this notion of mail messages as scripted
> agents which go zipping about the network gathering data which they send
> home.  I am optimistic that we will be able to get remailing capabilities
> out of this infrastructure largely for free.

I think there's a good chance of that, yes.  Part of the safe-tcl
experiment, actually, is the attempt to figure out, cooperatively, what
all is needed in the way of infrastructure.  So what I'm most interested
in knowing is whether there are features you can imagine adding to
safe-tcl that would make this easier to do on your end...  -- Nathaniel

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