Announcing a new alpha release of premail

Raph Levien raph at
Thu Dec 28 06:18:23 PST 1995

   This is to announce that premail version 0.42 is now available. It
is a full alpha version of the new premail, containing all the
features and functions planned for the production release.

   Features include:

* Support for all cypherpunk remailers.

* Support for Mixmaster remailers.

* Encrypted and signed email, including both preparation and decoding.

* Support for the emerging PGP/MIME standard.

* Support for MOSS through TIS/MOSS 7.1.

* Creation and management of style nyms.

* More secure handling of sensitive "secrets".

* Much improved automatic selection of remailer chains.

* Clean handling of "cc:" field and other such interactions.

* Numerous other features.

   For more information about premail, see the premail Web page at:

   If you are in the US or Canada, you can download premail now, from
the premail Distribution Authorization Form:

   Please forward bug reports, comments, and suggestions to me, so
that the beta release can be as solid as possible.

Raph Levien

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