SSLeay 0.5.1

Eric Young eay at
Wed Dec 20 23:43:12 PST 1995

SSLeay 0.5.1 is now available.

It should be quite stable and has documentation for the lower level
cryptographic routines.

It is incompatible with the previous version but has no global variables
of consequence so it should be a much nicer starting point for threaded
libraries.  The library should have no memory leaks and the general
cryptographic functionality has been filled out more.

Tim Hudson <tjh at> will be updating the applications
available on in the next few days.

I leave for an 11 week holiday today so please address any problems and
questions to the ssl-users at mailing list (if it is of
general interest) or to ssleay at which goes to both
myself and Tim Hudson (who will be fixing any bugs while I'm away).

Anouncing software and then leaving for 3 months would probably not
normally be considered a good practice but 0.5.0 has been tested for
the last week or so and I have faith in Tim Hudson's ability to fix 
bugs after doing pre-alpha testing for the last 6 months :-)

As per usual, the primary ftp site is

Documentation on the demo application is sparse but I hope Tim Hudson
will be able to fill in the gaps while I'm away :-)

eric <eay at>
		SSLeay v 0.5.1 21/12/955
		Copyright (c) 1995, Eric Young
		All rights reserved.

This directory contains Eric Young's (eay at implementation
of SSL and supporting libraries.

The current version of this library is available from

There are patches to a number of internet applications which can be found in

A Web page written by Tim Hudson <tjh at> can be found at

This Library and programs are FREE for commercial and non-commercial
usage.  The only restriction is that I must be attributed with the
development of this code.  See the COPYRIGHT file for more details.
Donations would still be accepted :-).

The package includes

	My implementation of Netscapes SSL v 2 protocol.  This library
	implements the SSL protocol.

	General encryption and X509 stuff needed by SSL but not
	actual logically part of it.  It include routines for the following:
	libdes - My libdes DES encryption package which has been floating
		around the net for a few years.  It includes 15
		'modes/variations' of DES (1, 2 and 3 key versions of ecb,
		cbc, cfb and ofb; pcbc and a more general form of cfb and ofb)
		a fast crypt(3), and routines to read passwords from the
	RC4 encryption,
	IDEA encryption - 4 different modes, ecb, cbc, cfb and ofb.
	MD5 and MD2 message digest algorithms,
	SHA (SHA-0) and SHA-1 message digest algorithms,
	RSA encryption/decryption/key generation.  There is no limit
		on the number of bits.
	Diffie-Hellman key-exchange/key generation.  There is no limit
		on the number of bits.
	X509 encoding/decoding into/from binary ASN1 and a
		PEM based ascii-binary encoding which supports encryption with
		a private key.

Programs in this package include
	enc	- a general encryption program that can encrypt/decrypt using
		one of 17 different cipher/mode combinations.  The
		input/output can also be converted to/from base64
		ascii encoding.
	dgst	- a generate message digesting program that will generate
		message digests for any of md2, md5, sha (sha-0) or sha-1.
	asn1parse - parse and display the structure of an asn1 encoded
		binary file.
	rsa	- Manipulate RSA private keys.
	dh	- Manipulate Diffie-Hellman parameter files.
	crl	- Manipulate certificate revocation lists.
	x509	- Manipulate x509 certificates, self-sign certificates.
	req	- Manipulate PKCS#10 certificate requests and also
		  generate certificate requests.
	genrsa  - Generates an arbitrary sized RSA private key.
	gendh	- Generates a set of Diffie-Hellman parameters, the prime
		will be a strong prime.
	ca	- Create certificates from PKCS#10 certificate requests.
		This program also maintains a database of certificates
	verify	- Check x509 certificate signatures.
	speed	- Benchmark SSLeay's ciphers.
	s_server - A test SSL server.
	s_client - A test SSL client.
	s_time	 - Benchmark SSL performance of SSL server programs.
Documents included are
	A Postscript and html reference manual
	(written by Tim Hudson tjh at
	A list of text protocol references I used.
	A initial version of the library manual.

To install this package, read the INSTALL file.
This library has been compiled and tested on Solaris 2.[34] (sparc and x86),
SunOS 4.1.3, DGUX, OSF1 Alpha, HPUX 9, AIX 3.5(?), IRIX 5.[23],
LINUX, NeXT (intel). 

For people in the USA, it is possible to compile SSLeay to use RSA
Inc.'s public key library, RSAref.  From my understanding, it is
claimed by RSA inc. to be illegal to use my public key routines inside the USA.
Read doc/RSAref.doc on how to build with RSAref.

Read the documentation in the doc directory.  It is quite rough,
but it lists the functions, you will probably have to look at
the code to work out how to used them.  I will be working on
documentation.  Look at the example programs.
There should be a SSL reference manual which is being put together by
Tim Hudson (tjh at in the same location as this
distribution.  This contains a lot more information that is very
useful.  For a description of X509 Certificates, their use, and
certification, read rfc1421, rfc1422, rfc1423 and rfc1424.  ssl/README
also goes over the mechanism.

We have setup some mailing lists for use by people that are interested
in helping develop this code and/or ask questions.
    ssl-bugs at
    ssl-users at
    ssl-users-request at

This library is reasonable stable now.  Version 0.5 has had extensive
rewriting since version 0.4.  The purify package has been used extensively
and I believe most if not all memory leaks have been removed.
There are no writable global variable so a multi-threaded/DLL version of
the library should be quite simple to write.

Look at TODO for a list of thinks I know I still need to do.

eric (December 1995)

Eric Young (eay at
86 Taunton St.
Annerley 4103.

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