1)Age etc CA 2)Swedish Digicash

E. ALLEN SMITH EALLENSMITH at mbcl.rutgers.edu
Thu Dec 7 11:28:38 PST 1995

From:	IN%"jk at digit.ee"  "Jyri Kaljundi"  7-DEC-1995 12:45:37.27

What about Estonia :) The taxes are low, there are a very few government 
regulations, the currency is very stable (based on German mark) ... One 
interesting law in Estonia is that the state budget must be balanced, so 
there is no way for the government to spend more money than it really has.

Technological level here is also quite good, and Internet is more popular
than in any other Eastern Europe or ex-USSR country. 

I think Estonia is an ideal place for such projects: high-tech companies 
testing their new technological ideas, inventions and business 
assumptions in real-life conditions. Just get yourself here !
	The various Eastern European countries have been targeted before as
banking secrecy (read tax haven in the Feds' opinion) countries. Some others
might include Malta, although the Catholic influence there may make
pornography-related ventures problematic. On the other hand, using Malta would
make the conspiracy theorists go nuts...

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