Chomsky (Thread from Hell)

Blanc Weber blancw at
Mon Sep 26 09:24:07 PDT 1994

From: L. Todd Masco

You could try actually reading what the man's written before dismissing
him on one person's inflamatory rhetoric.  I assure you, what he has to
say is quite interesting, whether you agree with it or not (I don't
always). . . . . .

Sure, with all those questions on my mind I wouldn't just dismiss him 
entirely or not examine any of his work - I suffer too much from 
curiosity to do that.   But as I'm already quite familiar with the 
ideas at issue, the controversy surrounding what what he, in 
particular, has to say does not much alarm me whether he is right or 
wrong, unless he happens to be someone who is in a position to affect a 
part of my life directly.  Then for sure I would investigate him more 


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