We really _aren't_ paranoid :)

Johnathan Corgan jcorgan at netcom.com
Mon Nov 28 20:10:54 PST 1994

Just in case anyone didn't catch this in the newsgroups:

From: dcd at se.houston.geoquest.slb.com (Dan Day)
Newsgroups: talk.politics.crypto,alt.privacy,alt.security.pgp
Subject: Re: Mandatory Key Escrow: Goodnight!
Date: 28 Nov 1994 19:02:31 GMT
Organization: GeoQuest System, Inc. Houston
Lines: 29
Message-ID: <3bd9g7$1fc at sndsu1.sinet.slb.com>

In article <3b655b$rne at eis.calstate.edu> jomcgow at eis.calstate.edu (John S. McGow
an) writes:
>It is frightening how the power to regulate "interstate commerce" has 
>been used as a justification for the constitutional authority of the 
>federal government to intercede in so many things.

The good news is a few justices still seem to have their heads on

  Item from AP:  It seems that in urging the Supreme Court
  to reinstate a federal-level ban on firearms within 1000 feet of
  schools (the 1990 Gun-Free School Zones Act), the Clinton
  administration argues that the national economy is adversely
  affected by gun-related violence at schools.  Therefor, the
  reasoning continues, Congress was authorized to institute the
  ban under (you guessed it) the Interstate Commerce clause of the
  Constitution.  Said Solicitor General Drew S Day III, "This is not
  about just regulating guns.  Congress is concerned with this impact
  on the national economy."
  Asked Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, "Is there any violent crime
  that doesn't affect interstate commerce under your rationale?"
  Ginsburg later asked Days to cite an example of a law which Congress
  would NOT have the authority to enact under the Interstate Commerce
  Clause.  Interjected Justice Scalia, "Don't give away anything here.
  They might want to do it."

Johnathan Corgan       "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent"
jcorgan at netcom.com                       -Isaac Asimov
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