[Q} IBM's NetSP encyption; what is it

Harry S. Hawk habs at panix.com
Wed May 25 06:30:38 PDT 1994

I read:

> 	  IBM also plans to integrate security features based on
> IBM-developed NetSP encryption technology, which provides sufficient
> security for tapping corporate data. NetSP is not subject to US export
> controls and can be implemented outside the US.
> [05-24-94 at 19:00 EDT, Copyright 1994, International Data Group

They are using this with a new service that will compete with AT&T's
PersonalLink (which uses RSA encypt via Telescript).

Does anyone know anything about NetSP, how secure it is, etc.

FYI, the service is agent "based"

>  Moreover, Intelligent Communications service will include a permanent
> personalized agent, called an Alter Ego, which contains a range of
> user- specific information. The Alter Ego is a "rules-based static
> agent" that can respond to, or filter, incoming messages on behalf of
> the user.
> [05-24-94 at 19:00 EDT, Copyright 1994, International Data Group
Harry S. Hawk  		   habs at panix.com
Product Marketing Manager
PowerMail, Inc. 	   Producers of MailWeir(tm) & PowerServ(tm)

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