State Dept Response to my second CJ request

Paul Ferguson paul at
Thu May 12 05:22:18 PDT 1994

> "Perry E. Metzger" says:
> > Frankly, the case seems airtight right now. The government is
> > contending that only Americans can type. The position is so idiotic as
> > to be untenable. I don't think there is any need for additional
> > rigamarole -- Phil should appeal the current ruling and then take them
> > to court as is.
> I realized that I sounded overoptimistic in what I just said. Let me
> clarify.
> Courts may of course find against us, but the case is as strong as it
> can possibly get right now -- no better opportunity is going to arise.

Perry's right. Even articles in the popular press and telecommunications
trade rags are questioning the policies of key escrow and cryptographic
export policy.

- paul

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