Keyserver service outRAGE

Lefty lefty at
Thu May 5 14:09:24 PDT 1994

Some nobody writes:
>So that's it, isn't it?  Clipperized PGP.  The government has pressured
>RSA into allowing a new version of PGP, in an attempt to displace the
>use of freeware PGP, with the hope that they will then be able to
>control it more.  This stinks.

Yep, you got it.  Dig a hole, crawl inside, and pull it in after you.  As
soon as you can manage it.

Personally, _I_ think the government's out to destroy this list by
recruiting a bunch of low-IQ paranoid schizophrenics, denying them their
medication, sitting 'em at terminals and giving 'em the Cypherpunks address
and the address of an anonymous remailer.  The half-wit quotient around
here is definitely on the rise.

Lefty (lefty at
C:.M:.C:., D:.O:.D:.

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