questions for the NRC crypto committee...

Herb Lin hlin at
Wed Mar 30 03:02:56 PST 1994

The NRC crypto study is a study of national cryptography policy intended to
lay down a framework for the long term; this study was ordered by the U.S.
Congress and
will be launched this summer (we hope).  It is not focused on any particular
technology such as Clipper, Skipjack, or Tessera, though the study committee
will be addressing these and other technologies as necessary.

Thus, it is different from the review committee charged with examining
Clipper.  Indeed,
the composition of the NRC study committee has not been determined at this time.

This committee will still be soliciting input from the community, and the offer
I made
earlier stands -- If you (and other cypherpunks) have questions you think the
committee should be asking regarding the formulation of crypto policy, please
forward them
to me.


herb lin
Computer Science and Telecommunications Board
National Research Council
National Academy of Sciences
  Bellovin writes:
  A useful exercise for this group might be to compile a list of questio
  that they *should* answer if they're playing it straight.  These could
  be forwarded to the review committee, too.  If we come up with a good
  list, I'm willing to submit it to them.

  As the guy staffing the NRC's review project of national cryptography
 policy, I
  encourage you (and other cypherpunks) to do so.  Please forward to me
  questions you think the review panel should be asking.  So that your q
  stand out, please put in the subject line: Crypto panel question


  herb lin

Do you want to collect the questions or should I?  I volunteered because
I know 3 of the 5 committee members.

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