Graham Toal and His 'Fucking Religion'

Anonymous User nobody at
Fri Jul 29 21:24:32 PDT 1994

gtoal at (Graham Toal) wrote:

> Keep your fucking religion out of my face, Zook.  If you want 
> censored-kiddynet, create your own one privately out of funds 
> donated by Good Christians, but take your state control and stuff 
> it where ypu stuff your crucifix.

Ironic what you say, Graham.  Given the fact that the subject 
matter is PORNOGRAPHY, often involving explicit depiction of 
sexual intercourse, which is somewhat of a "religion to some", 
maybe that's exactly what Nathan was asking -- for pornographers 
to keep their "fucking religion" off the net...

Just as adults can avoid reading what the consider "offensive" 
material, so can you, too, avoid lashing out in a blind fury at 
posts like this that YOU disagree with.  If one didn't know 
better, it'd seem that YOU are almost advocating censorship of 
ideas that you deem offensive. <g>

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