Just say NYET to kneejerking

Perry E. Metzger perry at imsi.com
Fri Jul 29 06:48:43 PDT 1994

Graham Toal says:
> 	I must admit that I'm disappointed.  I figured that I would
>       take some hits, but for people to only scan a post before reaching
>       for the lighter...
> Don't be such a condescending shit.  We read your post clearly enough,
> thank you very much. Typical control-freak crap.  If you want your
> little xtian kids to be namby-pamby'd on the net,

I believe Graham is being rather rude.

There is no excuse for being impolite. You can express your views
without vitriol -- you may indeed be able to get along with people
with views you do not share, and find that you are better off for it.

People who don't want their children exposed to the net have a concern
that is likely shared by a large number of people. Personally, I would
not try to protect my (as yet theoretical) children from the net (at
least not any but the smallest) because I feel that it is better to
explain the world to them and help them to develop defenses against
its dangers -- you can't always be there to defend them. However, I do
not wish to impose my child rearing opinions on others -- and neither
do I wish to have any restrictions posed on my use of the net
whatsoever, including bureaucratic registrations. If you wish to keep
your children from seeing everything that is out there, I would
suggest that you simply develop a service to restrict what they can
view to what you have vetted, or keep them using services like Prodigy
which are censored. Don't impose your views on the rest of us, no
matter how good the intent.


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