"Key Escrow" --- the very idea

Berzerk berzerk at xmission.xmission.com
Thu Jul 21 18:58:24 PDT 1994

On Thu, 21 Jul 1994, Robert Hettinga wrote:
> I'm a congenital republican.
Hmm, I hear medical science has tracked down the gene for that and will 
have a cure soon.

I like crime, but believe that imoral behavior is wrong.  I believe you 
can behave imoraly in cyberspace.

> I would like to propose, probably not the first time on this list, an
> acceptable, time-honored method of determining the contents of a secure
> conversation.  Snitches.
ABSOLUTELY!  The fact is if you can't get someone to snitch, IT IS NOT A 
CRIME(moraly)!  I dare anyone to come up with a counterexample.


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