Encrypting fax machine

Eric Hughes hughes at ah.com
Mon Jul 18 22:26:26 PDT 1994

   At 6:07 AM 7/18/94, John Young wrote:
   >We use an encryption algorithm called seeded pseudo-random
   >number generator, Mr. Varga said.  The company chose that
   >algorithm because it is in the public domain, he added.

   One would think that anybody who would go to the expense of designing an
   encrypting FAX machine could at least afford to read the introduction to
   any beginning crypto book.

I just said this last week.  PNRG-XOR can be very secure.  If they're
using Blum-Blum-Shub, it could be secure, since there are other things
to go wrong.  If they're using a LFSR, it's not secure.

It looks like a none-too-competent technology reporter to me.


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