quote of the day

Lyle_Seaman at transarc.com Lyle_Seaman at transarc.com
Thu Jan 27 11:07:38 PST 1994

Mats Bergstrom <matsb at sos.sll.se> writes:
> intensely. Anyway, there is no perfect drug that just make you say the truth
> and then forget about it. And there never will be. And the polygraph is 
> quackery.

Well, there _are_ plenty of drugs that neatly cause short-term memory
loss.  Xanex, I think, is one. (And there are some other really scary
drugs used in medecine, that could be used for some awfully terrifying
trips.  Pavulon, for instance, which causes total paralysis, but 
does not interfere with sensory nerve function.)  So the "...then
forget about it" part is pretty simple.

Lyle		Transarc		707 Grant Street
412 338 4474	The Gulf Tower		Pittsburgh 15219

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