faster code for neural network

Arsen Ray Arachelian rarachel at
Wed Jan 19 18:04:02 PST 1994

> Recently I received the code for a neural network. It is written in
> standard ANSI-C. However, running it on the Mac gives me a lot of coffee
> breaks ( it takes 10 min on a IIci, 3 hrs on an LC ). I was wondering if
> anybody out there has experience with this and knows of ways to make the
> code faster ( replacing ANSI routines with Mac-based routines.
> If you are the woman or man with this experience mail me! I really need the
> help ( it's all for my master's thesis ).

You might want to get  a match coprocessor for the LC.  The ci has one,
and that's probably your problem.  (I'm not sure if the LC can take one,
though!)  If my memory still works after the two pints I just had, the LC
has a 68020 without any FPU.  You might want to upgrade to an LC III and
find out if it has an FPU.   I believe neural nets use floats, no?  If so
you will most certainly need and FPU if you want decent speed.

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