ditz in office

joshua geller joshua at cae.retix.com
Mon Feb 28 17:54:44 PST 1994

mike writes:
>someone else writes: 
>>someone yet else writes:

>> >now i wish i had not voted for the ditz in office.

>> I wish everyone who voted either Republican or Democrat instead of
>> Libertarian because they didn't want their vote to be wasted would take a
>> moment to consider how their vote would have meant any less if they had
>> voted for Andre Marrou and Nancy Lord in '92.

>I'm still reasonably satisfied to have voted for Clinton. I don't think
>any of this stuff would have been any different if any other candidate had
>been elected.

I second that, but I didn't vote for clinton, I voted against
bush. I never (or very rarely) vote for anyone; I decide which
candidate that is likely to win I dislike most and vote for whoever 
is likeliest to beat them. a vote for anyone else is usually a vote
for the one I don't want to win. 

if clinton had been the one I disliked more than bush I would have
voted for bush, not perot.

if the republicans can manage to field someone I dislike less than
clinton in 96, I will vote for them. with his attacks on privacy 
and the second amendment, my dislike for clinton goes up every day.


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