ironic +1-510-484-6204 wcs at
Thu Feb 24 16:22:51 PST 1994

For that matter, it's ironic, though not at all surprising, that they're
crying foul so loudly that this KGB mole in the CIA is giving away the
identities of CIA moles in the KGB.  Fair
's fair, after all....  Though that doesn't mean he has any room to complain
if he gets treated teh way the Russians treated the CIA spies in their midst.

On the other hand, the papers did make a big deal about how they used
wiretaps to help catch the guy, and that they've known about him for a while;
is this all timed to support the "voluntary" Clipper and the 
mandatory Digital Telephony wiretap projects?

# Bill Stewart  AT&T Global Information Solutions, aka NCR Corp
# 6870 Koll Center Parkway, Pleasanton CA, 94566 Phone 1-510-484-6204 fax-6399
# email bill.stewart at billstewart at
# ViaCrypt PGP Key IDs 384/C2AFCD 1024/9D6465

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