Prodigy Hard Drive Scans

jdblair at nextsrv.cas.muohio.EDU jdblair at nextsrv.cas.muohio.EDU
Thu Feb 3 20:14:49 PST 1994

I heard from a friend that Prodigy was scanning user's hard drives. 
Basically, when you logged on Prodigy made a complete directory of your
hard drive and uploaded it.  Prodigy was using this to find out what
applications you used so they could direct the appropriate advertising
towards you.  Apparently, they're suffering several lawsuits now because
of it.

My friend heard this on the trailing end of a radio talk show.  If it was
really happening, it sounds horrible.  Could Secure Drive be set up to
stop this kind of attack?

Can anyone tell me if this is more than a rumour?  If it is more than a
rumour, would you be able to point me towards some information about this?

jdblair at

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