new remailer online

CVL staff member Nate Sammons nate at VIS.ColoState.EDU
Tue Feb 1 15:45:44 PST 1994


There is a new anonymous remailer online at:

   nate at

It does not yet support pgp encryption, but it does remail
fine.  This is also the standard remailer used by by WWW
remailer GUI (even if no mailers are checked).

I will be releasing a copy of my remailer GUI and software
in the next day or so.

- -nate sammons

- -- 
| Nate Sammons <nate at VIS.ColoState.Edu> <nate at yuma.ANCS.ColoState.Edu>  |
|      Colorado State University Computer Visualization Laboratory      |
|    Data Visualization/Interrogation, Modeling, Animation, Rendering   |

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