Exporting cryptographic materials, theory vs. practice

James A. Donald jamesd at netcom.com
Sat Dec 31 13:54:52 PST 1994

On Sat, 31 Dec 1994, Matt Blaze wrote: 
> My conclusion from all this is that it just isn't possible for an
> individual traveler to follow the rules.  [...] 
> Had I simply taken it with me and come back instead of
> calling attention to myself by trying to follow the rules, no one would
> have noticed.

According to my former boss, Kevin Welch, the same is true not only
for individual travellers, but for small businesses.

I can see from the letter that you sent before you tried this
experiment, that this is the outcome that you expected.

We have the right to defend ourselves and our
property, because of the kind of animals that we        James A. Donald
are.  True law derives from this right, not from
the arbitrary power of the omnipotent state.            jamesd at netcom.com

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