Enough, already

David K. Merriman merriman at metronet.com
Tue Dec 13 13:02:17 PST 1994

I don't mean to be a wet blanket (well, actually, I do :-), but could folks
maybe drop the Netscape stuff - along with the tangential threads it has

I kinda suspect that by now, the subject has been thoroughly flogged to
death, and it's cluttering the hell out of the list - without the benefit of
actually _resolving_ anything. Netscape is gonna do whatever the hell
Netscape is gonna do. "We" can encourage, cajole, reprimand, sneer, laugh,
applaud, or whatever; but the bottom line is that clarifying the
clarifications of the clarified previous comments isn't accomplishing
anything other than making those among us who have to pay for email work
overtime to compensate for the subject.

It's the holiday season. How about if everyone wishes everyone else a Merry
Christmas (or Chappy Chanukka, or whatever else spins your propeller),
kisses, and makes up?

Dave "I'm just checking how to make Chameleon killfile the subjects
'clarif', 'Netscape', and 'BofA'" Merriman

PS - for point of reference, my mailbox has 41 messages in it since I last
checked mail (less than 6 hours ago). Only 3 are non-CP; of the 38 that are,
only a very, VERY few don't have "netscape" or "clarification" in the
subject line.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Finger merriman at fohnix.metronet.com for PGP public key and fingerprint.
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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution 
inevitable."  John F. Kennedy 

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