Why nothing works <g> [Was: Mandatory sig workaround]

jpb at gate.net jpb at gate.net
Fri Dec 2 21:40:34 PST 1994

> You don't need the size, so just buy a 486 and a domain name
> (cypherpunks.org?).  Then, hire a CP hacker to Linuxize the 486,
> slip/ppp it to some provider, and hook-up premail et al.  Anyone
> selling Linux support contracts yet?

Ironically, about 2 hours before I read this message I decided to go
that route - I'm going to be doing some consulting (installing a couple
PowerMacs and the software on them) and my buddy who is subcontracting the
Mac work to me is willing to pay me in trade so I am getting a 486DX-25
with a 120 meg drive hodgepodged out of his spare parts.  

I want to run linux on this beast and would like some suggestions from the
list - which of the linux CDs do you recommend?  I want to have full network
services running on it.  I need a minimum of POP3/SMTP (my Duo will be grabbing
my mail using StarNine's PT-Inet gateway), a web server, NNTP, ftp, all the good

I'm completely unfamiliar with linux other than hearing people rave about it.
I do have a moderate amount of Unix experience though, as I used to have a BBS
running on an AT&T Unix PC and also administered an AT&T 6300 running Xenix.
This was all a long time ago though - both machines were brand new and just
introduced on the market when I got my hands on them.  Since then, I've just
been a user, no root access anywhere.


Joe Block
jpb at gate.net

Moderation in temper is always a virtue; moderation in principle is always a
-- Thomas Paine

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