Cracking passwords and picking locks

rishab at rishab at
Mon Aug 22 12:59:12 PDT 1994

cactus at (L. Todd Masco):
>>Data crime - 'cracking', 'phreaking' etc usually reflect a total lack of 
>>responsibility on the part of _administrators_. "Officer, I left my wallet
>>on the kerb 10 minutes ago, and now it's gone!"
>This sounds like typical kiddie-cracker garbage.  It's more like, "Officer,
> I didn't know that master locks could be picked with the greatest of ease:
> arrest that man who picked it and took my wallet."
>[encryption is more complex than master locks etc]

I suppose it's obvious that I was not talking about the present, but future
information society, a world where digital signatures and encryption are as
familiar as combination locks and safes are today. I think it would be
reasonable to assume a fair degree of knowledge on security on the part of
system administrators - if by that time it's not widely known that plaintext
or simple protection (un-shadowed passwords etc) can, like master locks, be
'picked with ease,' then all our efforts towards greater awareness of 
privacy and security would have failed.

Rishab Aiyer Ghosh             "Clean the air! clean the sky! wash the wind!
rishab at                   take stone from stone and wash them..."
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