Remailer ideas

Jim McCoy mccoy at
Fri Aug 5 22:55:16 PDT 1994

> >If I send a message for the first
> >time to a party and there's no reply, I cannot conclude whether the
> >message was not delivered or whether the message was delivered and not
> >answered.

Given a connectionless network absolute delivery is impossible (well, not
completely, but just about...)

> I would really like to see some kind of system for reliable email.  I'm
> surprised that it doesn't exist yet.

What makes you think that it doesn't?  You should check out Enabled Mail (I
think that is the name of it...); it is a set of MIME extensions that would
use a "safe" subset of Tcl to create triggers that can be set for message
receipt/delivery or for when the message is read.  I used to have a pointer
to the proposed system, but you should be able to find it by poking around
the comp.lang.tcl FAQ or asking over there.


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