Philadelphia Enquirer Story on Clipper

Jeff Gostin jgostin at
Tue Aug 2 00:50:47 PDT 1994

Adam Shostack <adam at> writes:

>         Not that I'm a Clinton fan, but most of his orwellan proposals
> have been around, simmering, for a while.  Both Clipper & Post Office
> national ID cards first came up under Bush.  health ID cards are, of
> course, Hillary's.
     That's very true. The fact that they have been simmering is one
thing. Clinton's administration wants to raise the heat and boil the
issue. Just like every tax payer bears the burden of debt for every
taxpayer before him, so too does every politician bear the burden of the
old ideas he proposes as new ones.

>         The problem is not any one particular idiot in office, but a
> strong public desire to give up a little freedom for a little
> security.
     And it's funny: When phrased that way, most people see little
SECURITY, and ignore the first half. When phrased as "A little security
only costs a little freedom", all of a sudden, people are up in arms.

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