Children and the Net

Berzerk berzerk at
Mon Aug 1 09:36:43 PDT 1994

On Mon, 1 Aug 1994, Mike McNally wrote:
> Mike Duvos writes:
>  > Had it not been for the fact that having children covered with
>  > scars, welts, and bruises is not considered child abuse in the
>  > state of Texas, 
> I know it's chic to refer to Texas as the last bastion of barbarian
> living, but I'd like to see some citation for the above if you really
> believe it's true.  Note also that I've heard tell kids get beat up in
> other states too, though that might just be rumor.
As far as I know, the above was NOT the case, and no evidence existed of 
abuse.  The search warrent talks about having guns and "clandestine" 
*publications* and neve authorizes breaking into windows to serve a 
NORMAL search warrent.


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