Clipper hearings rescheduled - May 3 1994!

Dead Socket an52210 at
Thu Apr 28 03:21:23 PDT 1994

mech at (Stanton McCandlish) once said:

    [duff steleted]

ME> ejk at is a real user, and doug at might be (did not
ME> produce a no-user message, but also did not provide an "In real life:"
ME> answer, nor did it mention mail status or presence of a .plan, which it
ME> did do for ejk.  There's a c-span gopher also, that gives rather cryptic
ME> schedules, look on the "All the Gophers in the Whole Wide World" thing you
ME> find on most larger gopher servers, and it should turn up.

Try 'telnet 25', 'HELO <your system>', 'VRFY doug'.

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