Cryptography banned in the Netherlands....

Sandy Sandfort sandfort at
Fri Apr 1 07:28:38 PST 1994


Hey, remember, we're all on the same side.

On Fri, 1 Apr 1994, David Mandl wrote after quoting John Kreznar's rant 
about "liberals":

> Right, as opposed to conservatives, who are happy to have people "threaten
> the effectiveness of government and other large institutions."  [and so 
on in this vein for several more paragraphs.]

Whoe, lighten up fellows.  You both agree!  *Neither* liberals nor 
conservatives are automatically our friends.  People who are PRO CRYPTO 
are our friends regardless of what political camp they put themselves 
in.  Please, lets not bring extraneous political, posturing onto this 
list.  Liberals or conservatives who want to ban or regulate crypto are 
our enemies.  Liberals or conservatives who support strong crypto are our 
friends.  It's as simple as that.

S a n d y

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