Object Code Release

Matthew J Miszewski MJMISKI at macc.wisc.edu
Fri Sep 10 13:27:50 PDT 1993

Just a qwik note on the release of ViaCrypt only in object code.  Ill dig up the
cite later but recent appelate decisions show two circuits leaning toward
allowing fair use decompiling for academic purposes.  Actually, they have gone
as far to say that deprogramming an EEPROM and printing out the resultant Source
(after decompiled) *might* be considered a fair use of sorts.  So, release VC in
object and have the folks that decompiled the KOH decompile this too and
whallah!  A more robust encryption scheme (not security thru obscurity).
Matt  (not --Matt)
mjmiski at macc.wisc.edu (I hate .sig space)

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