Signing keys for nyms

hfinney at hfinney at
Sat Oct 30 18:13:35 PDT 1993


The big weakness with public-key cryptography is making sure you have a
valid key for the person you are communicating with.  If you just get
a key off a key server, it's possible that the key has been faked and
does not actually belong to the person it claims to.  Key signatures
from trusted individuals testify that the key actually is associated
with the given userid.  Without a trusted signature, it's possible that
your messages could be read en route and then re-encrypted with the true
key of the recipient, who receives a properly encrypted message and
doesn't suspect anything.

In practice, this attack would normally be difficult to mount, as it
would imply some way of intercepting and altering the messages you are
sending.  But anonymous communicants are perhaps more vulnerable to these
attacks since their mail generally must go through a server system.  They
have to trust these servers not to reveal their true identity (at least,
with the server), but there is also the danger that the server
could alter their messages as they pass through the server, possibly
posting false public keys for them.

If Wonderer, for example, communicated mostly through the penet server,
there could be many kinds of changes being made to his messages, and
he might not notice.  His key could have been changed, then when his
posted Cypherpunks message came back to him, it could have been changed
back to what he sent.  Encrypted mail to him could be read by the penet
operator and then re-encrypted with his real key.

(Naturally, I'm not suggesting the Julf would do something like this,
but the attack is possible in principle.)

Obviously this kind of attack could be defeated in many ways, such as
if Wonderer could check his postings through some other path than
But this might require him to expose himself in some ways (such as by
signing up to the CP list under his True Name) that he would prefer not
to.  Ideally, a nym should be able to explore interests completely
separate from any connection with his True Name.

In general, it seems to me that anonymity server operators are the ones
in the best position to create fake keys for nyms.  Eric's suggestion
that operators should sign the keys doesn't help much in this situation.
I'd say that other methods are needed to confirm that encrypted messages
to nyms are not being read en route.


Version: 2.3a


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