anti-social behavior

Harry Shapiro habs at
Wed Oct 27 10:32:40 PDT 1993

a conscious being, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> T. William Wells says:
> >  <rjc at> wrote:
> > :    In context it was obviously a joke, lighten up.
> > 
> > You are lying. You wrote that for the explicit purpose of causing
> > pain. Your *obvious* intent was to say something upsetting and

> So he intended to cause pain? Big deal. I'm beginning to believe the
> book "I'm Disfunctional, You're Disfunctional": it concludes that
> people involved in the recovery movement are generally doing the
> opposite.
> I'm the sort of guy who gets flamed constantly. I've been called the
> worst possible things. Hasn't hurt me or crippled me. Calling people
> names is stupid, but individuals who can't take being called names are
> emotional cripples.

Perry is very right here, imho. If Ray was your wife or a co-worker,
or in someway had a formal relationship with you it might be an
issue. 1) I think it was a joke, but 2) Even if it wasn't you are
letting him push your "buttons." 

Harry S. Hawk  				      habs at
Electronic Communications Officer, Extropy Institute Inc. 
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