Emergency Broadcast System

Carl Ellison cme at ellisun.sw.stratus.com
Fri Oct 22 13:12:57 PDT 1993

>Subject: Emergency Broadcast System
>Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1993 13:36:33 -0600 (MDT)
>From: "Philippe_D_Nave" <pdn at dwroll.dw.att.com>

> 1) Mailing list data should be distributed to "N" sites where "N" is a 
>    magic number that minimizes the chance of losing all the copies.
>    (Mathematicians, sharpen your pencils!)

I've done the math, if anyone is interested.  (part of the job here at
a producer of fault tolerant machines.)

BTW, we also have solutions for tolerating death of servers which I should
write up and post one of these days....  It's such second nature here at
Stratus that I don't pay much attention to the fact that not everyone has
seen the various solutions.

 - Carl

 - <<Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own, of course.>>
 - Carl Ellison                                        cme at sw.stratus.com
 - Stratus Computer Inc.       M3-2-BKW                TEL: (508)460-2783
 - 55 Fairbanks Boulevard ; Marlborough MA 01752-1298  FAX: (508)624-7488

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