Gold in them thar Bills...

Paul Ferguson x2044 ferguson at
Thu Oct 21 10:57:56 PDT 1993

> As for "in my book, silicon is worth more than gold", I'll happily
> trade you 100 kilos of silicon for 100 kilos of gold any day you like.
> Assuming you aren't fibbing, you should take the trade, since the
> silicon is worth more to you.
> Of course, you'd be a fool. Silicon is plentiful, and costs pennies
> the kilo. Gold is not plentiful -- the market value is around $10,000
> the kilo.

Perry, I think its foolish to refute it simply on a literal basis, 
but then again, that's just lil' ole me. 

One could reasonably argue that you simply can't walk into the
corner 7-Eleven with a pound of gold and purchase 475 Big Gulps (tm),
but then again, there's an advocate for each point of view (ie,

I personally like the gold/silicon comparison, if taken from a 
philosophical viewpoint. 

Information is arguably the gold of the future, and strong crypto
helps broaden the spectrum for each and every one of us.


Paul Ferguson                                                               
Mindbank Consulting Group                                    fergp at   
Fairfax, Virginia  USA                                       ferguson at

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