Guerilla Cells

D. Owen Rowley owen at
Thu Nov 18 14:44:32 PST 1993

 > From: Matthew J Miszewski <MJMISKI at>
 > The sendero luminoso in Peru also works this way...Of course if you break their
 > rules, they break your neck!
 > For security reasons each 'member' of the Shining Path is only allowed
 > to know of two other persons in the heirarchy.  This makes for good
 > plausible deniability as well as qwik and efficient dissolution.

In Light of my posting regarding The A./. A./.
( oh.. my use of the "./." glyph is s'posed to be an ascii representation
  of a glyph comprised of three dots in an equalateral traingular shape,
  that is when its not signifying the everlasting secret family connections
  of the CP's -ie:cum pigs- and stands for the erect phallus and testacles :-)

it should be noted that *Sendero Luminoso - shining path*
is a blatant reference to Masonic/hermetic practice.

It should also be noted that Masons have been (succesfully) using graphic key
based encryption of their secrets for as long as they have been around,
that passwords are another key element of their craft, and that every
president of the united states except one has been a mason.
( can we guess which one? :-)

LUX ./. owen

this message needs no NSA fodder, it is subversive enough in its directness.

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